On our tool inventory

How we chose our tool inventory, and a word on which items we don't have.

Why do we have the tools we have?

We develop our inventory to a large extent based on the demand from our members. If you are looking for a tool we don't have, you can always make a suggestion on our website (at the bottom of this page).

Popular tools will be purchased more easily than those that are low in demand. It might take a while before we actually get the tools, however.

What are the origins of our tools?

As you can see in our inventory, most of our tools are high quality professional or semi-professional tools. More than half of our collection is sourced from second hand websites and dealers.

Another large chunk of our equipment was bought brand new, while only a small fraction is made up of tool donations.

Many of the second hand tools were broken or damaged. Our repair team saved them from an fateful end at a scrapyard and repaired them back to full strength.

What kind of tools don't we have?

We aim to provide access to high quality tools that people would otherwise not buy. If we didn't exist, many people would rather buy a low-cost, low-quality version in a hardware store.

That means we don't focus on specialized, expensive equipment for which cheap alternatives are not available on the market.

An example: a parquet sander is a tool in high demand, but it costs many thousands of euros. Instead, you're better off renting it at a commercial outlet as this is more cost-effective.

Last updated